7 day prayer Miracle Achieve Spiritual Fulfillment

Twenty-five hundred years ago, a Babylonian slave named Daniel made history by solving the riddle of the king’s dream. He prayed to find out what the dream’s contents were, and prayed for an understanding of the dream’s meaning. The next morning, Daniel delivered his answer. The king was satisfied. Daniel had saved not only his own life but that of all the wise men of Babylon, for the king had threatened to kill them all if no one could unravel the mystery of his dream. Today, we know and understand the critical elements of Daniel’s prayer. We know the mechanics of physical reality—what science studies—and we know the structure of spiritual reality—the source of things like creation, forgiveness, miracles and inspiration. The entire 7 Day Prayer Miracle is based on this understanding of Daniel’s prayer. It’s also well-grounded in the empirical experience of people who have used this knowledge to create one miracle after another. In a very real sense, this is the science of p...